Design the Soupa blog banner
Due to the nature of Soupa - we want you to dictate how it looks!
So the first banner was designed by yours truly (Ok-Jo) but we want you to design one for next month - January. You can download the Photoshop template from here you can design it in your own style - it will be a showcase for you and an easy way for you to develop some of your skills may it be illustration, photoshop skills, photography - whatever media you like - in your style, you can add typography, illustration, photography, texture - whatever! All we need on it is the Soupa logo, which will be on the photoshop template provided.
This is open to anyone and we will be looking to change it every month if you supply me with the designs we will get them on there - get making!
Requirements/Info on designing the banner
Size: Width 700 px x Height 225 px - 72dpi/RGB
Download the template here: Soupa Banner
Instructions using the template download here: coming soon