A big thank you to Carlos for designing the first banner for Soupa's new look. Here's what he had to say about it:
The idea for the banner originated from some recent research I was doing on the English language. I was thinking about how confusing it must be for foreigners because so many of our words sound the same. For example words like gorilla and guerilla, or sweet and suite both sound the same but have totally different connotations. These same sounding words I later found out are referred to as 'Homophones'. The concept of fusing these two words together was really intriguing, and some really amusing images resulted from it.
If you would like to submit a banner design for May get going and send it over to jo@soupa.co.uk when your done. The dimensions are: 940px x 143px - and remember to leave a space for the Soupa logo as it sits over the top.