Kemistry Gallery: Private View — Gastro typographical assemblage
Kemistry Gallery is celebrating the work of legendary designer Lou Dorfsman, art director for the CBS network.
The exhibition will centres on his most notable creation, the 11-metre wide handmade wooden typographic wall that he named Gastrotypographicalassemblage. Created during an era when designers were both artisans and well-trained communicators, the wall is the largest modern typographic artefact in existence, described by Michael Bierut as ‘an irreplaceable piece of design history.’ With custom type created by Herb Lubalin and Tom Carnase, the wall contains almost 1500 individual characters.
“There are few pieces that represent the typographic and design spirit that illuminated that moment of history, and certainly none on a scale as ambitious.” Milton Glaser.
LCC Summer shows - Power of ten
Design Museum x Pecha Kucha Night
Doll Art Exhibition - Opens tonight!
Brighton Freakshow
Tea and Make at the V&A this Friday - 30th April
Lazy Oaf Drawing Club
Print Club at Pick me up
The Big Bang/Bounce
Check out this event at Shoreditch Church this weekend! Soupa member Carlos Garde-Martin will be doodling LIVE on Saturday afternoon. Click here to find out more.
Spring has Sprung
The clocks have gone forward which means – despite what weather greets you – spring is here and so is Sprung. jotta (the creative community borne from the University of the Arts London) has joined with fine art paper merchants Fedrigoni to present Sprung – a visual interpretation of the written word, inspired by the traditions and rituals of the season. The exhibition and accompanying publication will feature twelve jotta artists chosen by a panel of judges to showcase their response to a selected poem.
The exhibition includes pencil drawings, silk screen prints and hand sewn graphics which leads me on nicely to the work of Evelin Kasikov who combines traditional cross stitch with graphic design and geometry.
As you can see, these things combined leads to a really unique handmade printing process using the palette of CMYK.
The exhibition previews tonight and will run until April 30 at Fedrigoni UK, London Showroom, 5th Floor, Diamond House, 36-38 Hatton Garden, London EC1N 8EB
Images courtesy of the artist and jotta. Visit jotta at
Van Doesburg - Tate Modern
The Van Doesburg exhibition at Tate Modern is a fantastic example of where our current visual style using bold communicative typography have developed. You can imagine Theo van Doesburg working in this century just as much as in his lifetime (1883-1931). The most exciting works in this exhibition for me were typographical posters of De Stijl movement, and the geometric art forms which created such a distinct look and feel of this period of time - and still now.
Exhibition on at Tate Modern until 16 May 2010
Jenny Holzer - Blue Purple Tilt
After studying Jenny Holzer at university back in 2003, I became interested in the idea of art as a graphic communication. Previous to this, I had viewed art as a self involved pointless media and something in which I personally could not engage with.
The work of Jenny Holzer enabled me to view art as a communication tool in a similar way to graphic design. Her work was recently been on display at the Lightbox in Woking, Surrey. The piece BLUE PURPLE TILT, 2007 which was created especially for the Artist Rooms collection, was a inspiring and visually stunning piece.
“PURPLE TILT, 2007 is a 4m high light installation with panels each measuring 3810x137x1270cm creates an impressive visual presence in the double-height main gallery”. Well worth a visit.
If You Could : Collaborate
Just been to visit the exhibition If You Could : Collaborate at the A Foundation Gallery, Rochelle School in Shoreditch. What a refreshing experience, it was great to see some original work combining a array of various skill sets and collaborating to create some unique pieces. Amongst the collection the ones which caught my eye was the fun interactive piece about how we use our desk space by Julien Vallée & Nicolas Burrows and the film made by Michael Moloney & John Hooper which was truly beautiful.
Its only on until the 23rd January 2010 so get a shifty on down there and see for yourself! Or check out the website for more info and photos of the exhibition.
Julien Vallée & Nicolas Burrows
Michael Moloney & John Hooper
Pop along to Print Clubs pop-up shop!
Cockpit Arts - Christmas open studios event
We at Soupa went to the Summer Open studio events and we will definitely be popping this Christmas to pick up some treats for friends and family... i think this is the first Christmassy post!!
Paper and Pens Exhibition
Printclub screenprinting members special offer
Ring a bling bling – Lazy Oaf Jewellery Competition
If you love Lazy Oaf, you'll love this. If you haven't heard of Lazy Oaf – shame on you! Purveyors of the most fun tees and jewellery, Lazy Oaf is inviting you to get a slice of the action with their Jewellery Competition. Hip, hip Hooray!
The competition is part of Loud Tate and it's an opportunity for the winning designers to see their work immortalised in perspex perfection!
Sound good? Well, according to the Lazy Oaf site, here's the rules:
1. The design must either be for a brooch OR pendant to be made from perspex
2. Designs must be one colour of your choice only.
3. The design cannot include any layers or patterning however you can include additional add-on’s such as gems, googly eyes etc (see examples).
4. Please email a clear image of your design entry as a low-res jpeg to with the title ‘My Jewellery Design’ by Friday 30th October.
5. CHANGE: Originally the competition followed the theme of Re-Evolution but they have decided that it might be a little too specific so they are leaving you with the creative leeway to design whatever takes your fancy.
Designers Hint: To get inspiration for ideas try looking at the silhouettes of your favourite objects, animals, foods etc.
They will turn the winning design into 50 Limited Edition pieces that will be sold under YOUR name on their site and in their Kingly Court Shop. The winner will get to go along to their studio and have their photo taken wearing their design and will get to take home 5 of their winning designs to keep and share with whoever is worthy enough. So if this sounds like your dream come true then get researching, doodling and designing and send them as many ideas as you like.
And remember: Originality is key so if you’ve seen it before they don’t want to see it again! To find out more email Lazy Oaf at
So, with that in mind – get busy now and your design could be plastic fantastic!
Drumming up interest
“Girls! Girls! Girls!” is fashion photographer Clare Shilland’s first solo exhibition. The images showcased reveal new themes and narratives to Clare’s work that contrast and compliment her existing portfolio.
Clare has been documenting girl drummers as a way of coming to terms with her life long urge to be a drummer herself; an ambition thwarted by her inability to play the drums. These images form part of an ongoing series of work that captures girls who can keep time, engaged in an activity that they love.
Alongside Girl Drummers is a series of nudes featuring friends of the photographer. These pictures are all about the beauty and bravado of girls, in all their natural glory.
The subject matter of these stories evidence two contrasting sides of Clare’s personality - the Tomboy and the Feminine Girl. Further contrasts can be found between the construction of the images and the qualities that they convey. Documentary opposes set up, visceral balances beautiful, and movement contradicts stillness, yet all the images share an intimacy and honesty that underpins Clare’s work.
Clare grew up in suburban south London, dreaming of the scummy inner city. Her dreams took her as far as Brixton where she still resides. After studying at Camberwell and the RCA, Clare began documenting the subjects that fascinated her - the people and places of those daydreams.
Clare has shot for i-D, Italian Rolling Stone, H&M, 10, Hardy Amies, Warner Music, Silas & Maria, Lula.
The exhibition is taking place at House of Propellers, 5 Back Hill, London, EC1R 5EN and runs from Tuesday-Friday 10am-6pm, Saturday 11am-4pm or by appointment.
To find out more, visit the site here