Soupa creatives Harriet Gray, Jamie Littler and Jo Spencer were invited and are taking part in Point Blank which is an exhibition of original images inspired by the story of Coppélia. In a first-of-its-kind project for Birmingham Royal Ballet, a selection of artists and designers have been invited to produce a single piece of artwork which envisages the plot of the classical masterpiece as told in a manner of their choosing. You can see the full brief here.
The collection will be seen for the first time at a live launch event in Birmingham, scheduled for 13 June 2011, with the work being made available online on the same evening.
The show is being curated by Claire Hartley with Rob Lindsay from the Birmingham Royal Ballet.
Here are some previews of the work from Jamie (left) and Jo (right) – but go and check out the tumblr blog for teasers from all the other amazing illustrators!
Keep updated with the progress on twitter #PointeBlank @clairehartley @robintheoffice