Pointe Blank launched at the Birmingham Royal Ballet on Monday night with a fabulous selection of artworks by 27 different designers/illustrators. This is the second collection for this project, (read about last year's project Coppelia here) this time for the ballet Hobson's Choice. Check out the collection online at http://www.pointeblank.co.uk/ and if you are in the Birmingham area pop along to the 6/8 Kafe 6/8 Temple Row, Birmingham, B2 from 5 March for six weeks, with nine images shown for a fortnight at a time. Form fifty five coverage | Design week coverage
Blog banner update by BRÁULIO AMADO
We've been pretty snowed under with other work over the past few months so haven't updated the blog banner for a while. A massive thank you goes to Soupa member Bráulio Amado for allowing us to use his illustration for Novembers update. His vibrant illustration really gives this month's look and feel a up tempo contemporary vibe. Check out his website for more design and illustration work.
Soupa Zine Day – The Big Reveal
Last Saturday, a group of Soupa members made their way into London (some coming from *far away* so big thanks to them for getting up early) for a get together at The Book Club in Shoreditch.
The aim of the day was to design a promotional zine and the theme was 'Reveal.' This was decided by members ahead of the day to give them time to do a doodle or pen some pictures before we began. As you know, each member favours a different way of working and this is what we like best!
Soupa illustrators Harriet Gray, Luke Waller, Elissa Elwick, Jamie Littler, Anna Spencer, Carlos Garde-Martin, Mariana Lobao brought their pens, pencils, inks and other various materials, photographer Ted Kozak came along to photograph the event and went out and about in E1 gathering material for his photo collage piece.
And designers, Jo Spencer (me), Eurico Sá Fernandes, Pinelope Kourmozoglu and Mark Richardson created some typographical pages for the zine with Pinelope stitching her type into the paper.
After the event, Jo Spencer collated all the finished artwork and put them together to make up the zine so here's the big Reveal. We hope you like it.