Pointe Blank was featured on FFF today! Thanks for picking my piece :)
Pointe Blank was featured on FFF today! Thanks for picking my piece :)
My Lino print work was in Design Week this week for the work I did for the Pointe Blank project check it out here: http://www.designweek.co.uk/home/blog/pointe-blank/3034062.article
This weekend I have been working on an exhibition piece for the Pointe Blank project. It is be a mix of Lino prints and vector illustration/type and will be exhibited at the Birmingham Royal Ballet later this month along with 26 other illustrators and designers. Read more about the project here: http://www.pointeblank.co.uk/
Happy New Year! I have just updated my portfolio with a new project I completed back in September last year for Pan Macmillan.
This year's Christmas card from Ok-Jo Studio. Hand cut/hand printed lino
Underwire film festival sent over the final print files for the programme I designed for them. Great print job and quick turnaround from Ripe Digital (http://www.ripedigital.co.uk/) – recommended to me through Twitter!
See more pics on my folio here:http://www.okjostudio.com/#1854468/Underwire-Film-Festival
This week I have been working on my christmas cards... can you believe its nearly christmas! This year has gone so quickly.
I would like to post a full picture, but don't want to ruin the surprise for those of you who will be receiving one. So this is a little sneak preview.
I have made 1 lino cut and printed it in about 20 different colour ways... so everyone will get something slightly different.
We've been pretty snowed under with other work over the past few months so haven't updated the blog banner for a while. A massive thank you goes to Soupa member Bráulio Amado for allowing us to use his illustration for Novembers update. His vibrant illustration really gives this month's look and feel a up tempo contemporary vibe. Check out his website for more design and illustration work.
First look at the business cards I designed for Clinic. Just back from the printers this morning. Beautifully screen printed by Bob Eight Pop (http://www.bobeightpop.com/)
We've just launched @ThoughtClinic new website http://thoughtclinic.org/
Last Saturday, a group of Soupa members made their way into London (some coming from *far away* so big thanks to them for getting up early) for a get together at The Book Club in Shoreditch.
The aim of the day was to design a promotional zine and the theme was 'Reveal.' This was decided by members ahead of the day to give them time to do a doodle or pen some pictures before we began. As you know, each member favours a different way of working and this is what we like best!
Soupa illustrators Harriet Gray, Luke Waller, Elissa Elwick, Jamie Littler, Anna Spencer, Carlos Garde-Martin, Mariana Lobao brought their pens, pencils, inks and other various materials, photographer Ted Kozak came along to photograph the event and went out and about in E1 gathering material for his photo collage piece.
And designers, Jo Spencer (me), Eurico Sá Fernandes, Pinelope Kourmozoglu and Mark Richardson created some typographical pages for the zine with Pinelope stitching her type into the paper.
After the event, Jo Spencer collated all the finished artwork and put them together to make up the zine so here's the big Reveal. We hope you like it.
One double page of the forthcoming winter edition of Wrap will be dedicated to showing off 40 illustrations by 40 different people. Wrap would like to see what your favourite winter warming food dish is, to get our readers inspired for some cosy indoor cooking action! It can be anything from a good old roast dinner or a helping of beef stroganoff, to a bowl of crumble and custard! (Or something even more inspired!)
1. So there's a common element, please draw your foody ensemble on a plate or in a bowl!
2. Your illustration can use any style or technique, but please make sure the final image you send us measures 80mm x 80mm
3. It should be CMYK formatted and 300dpi
4. Please email it to wrapsubmissions@gmail.com with the title 'Hot Pots and Pies'