What or who inspires you?
I feel that it is important to try and keep my work fresh and vary a little from one piece to the next. With that in mind I do try to avoid having a closed source of inspiration. I admire artists such as David Downton, Stina Persson, Rene Gruau and a host of other fashion artists. My inspiration comes from many other varieties of artists and media and from things I see from day to day or people around me. I think it is important to record mentally or literally, at least one fresh source of inspiration a day.
What materials do you use when working on your illustrations? My start point is always pencil. I have a set of 3 pencils that I use religiously for each new work. An H, 9B and a graphic retractable pencil. After that, Black Indian Ink and then anything I can lay my hands on that suit the specific piece I am working on, whether it be fabrics, threads, paint, tape or pieces of jewellery.
How do you decide when an illustration is 'finished'? I will always have a mental image of what I want a piece to look like, or to what point I want to continue pushing it. I am a big fan of minimal, subtle and unfinished, so I will always be tentative in my approach. I will always prefer to leave something unfinished and suggestive than overworked and heavy.
How do you go about promoting yourself? I am a little old fashioned and like to believe that the work speaks for itself. I do find that an online portfolio and blog work very well, as well as being part of artistic groups and communities online. Whenever I have a personal project finished and ready to be shown I will send mail outs to clients and contacts, and plan exhibition time in order to get less commercial work circulating.
See Jason's work here : www.soupa.co.uk/showcase-jason.html