Check out Tadas Kazakevicius page for some amazing photography - more to come from this one!
New header and Soupa members
Thanks to Harriet for designing the new Soupa Banner and Welcome to Mark Howe and Rhiannon Taylor - 2 new Soupa members!
Soupa is Live
Soupa is live!!!
Welcome to the new site/blog! We will be developing this site in more ways than before for 2009, as before we will be showcasing Soupa friends work in the PAGES sections. I will also be using this site as space to upload some software tutorials and tips I have made during my time teaching Graphics BA at University of the Creative Arts and general graphics tips, production information and resources which might come in handy for you and your creative work.
If you wish to share anything you feel could be helpful for your creative peers by all means email me or ask me for access to the site and you can upload it yourself.
Keep checking back and you will see I will be updating much more regularly than before and adding links here and there to useful and interesting sites.
Hope to see you again soon!
Soupa Creative Network Welcome
Welcome to Soupa Creative Network!
What is 'Soupa'? Well, when thinking of a name for a networking site for creatives - different types of creatives. I thought the best place to start would be the pub - social and at times, creative! After a few beers some ideas were thrown around and the word soup came to mind, a combination of different ingredients resulting tasty dish! Ok- not the official dictionary definition but you get the idea.
Anyway - Soup wasn't available as a domain name... so Soupa was born!
You can on the left PAGES menu is a selection of Soupa's creative friends portfolios - check out their work and read about there experience and skills.
We will be updating this site on a regular basis and might even have a Soupa party in 2009!
Hope to see you again soon!